Academic & Student Affairs Handbook

Academics Affairs Division

3.3 Students With Learning Disorders

(Last Modified April 3, 2019)   Report a broken link


The ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to all students. ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« institutions offer students with disabilities a variety of services and accommodations to ensure that both facilities and programs are accessible. The information provided on working with students with disabilities is an overview of the resources available and the policies and procedures in place that are intended to facilitate accessibility and academic success.

All institutions of the ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« shall adopt the common criteria for documenting disabilities and employ a common methodology for providing services to students with diagnosed disabilities.

The criteria for documenting disabilities can be found in Appendix D. Specific documentation guidelines for nine disability categories are described in Appendix E.

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3.3.1 Regents’ Centers for Learning Disorders

(Last Modified July 19, 2024)   Report a broken link

Last reviewed: March 2021

Learning Disorders include Learning Disabilities, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Acquired Brain Injury, and Psychological Disorders as described in Appendix E. The Board of Regents of the ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« has established the following three centers for the provision of assessment, resources, and research related to students who have learning disorders that impact academic, cognitive and/or behavioral/emotional functioning.

Each Regents’ Center for Learning Disorders (RCLD) is responsible for serving designated colleges and universities (referring institutions) within a geographic region. The host institution serves as fiscal agent for each RCLD. See Appendix F for a list of RCLDs and their assigned institutions.

Purpose of the RCLDs

The RCLDs serve and protect the ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ«, its institutions, and its students with disabilities by employing a common set of guidelines, methods, and costs for disability assessment, services, training, and research.

The RCLDs provide the following services:

  • Comprehensive standardized assessments for students with learning disorders
  • Review of documentation submitted by referring institutions in support of student requests for accommodations
  • Recommendations regarding appropriate accommodations and services
  • Assistance to students, faculty, administrators, and community agencies related to postsecondary disability services through outreach, education, consultation, and program development
  • Clinical training opportunities in graduate level psychology, education, and related programs
  • Research focusing on assessment and accommodation of students with disabilities in postsecondary settings

In addition to their primary mission of serving students enrolled in ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« institutions, the Centers may be authorized to serve other groups of students. Current information on the availability of services for non-ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« students can be obtained by contacting each RCLD directly.

Organizational Structure

The RCLDs consist of professionals who are specialists in the assessment of adults and in evaluation of disabilities that impair learning. Each RCLD has, at the minimum, the following personnel:

  • Director. The director is responsible for overseeing the daily operation of the RCLD and for carrying out ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« policy regarding student disabilities. The Academic Vice President of the host institution is the supervisor of record.

  • Psychologist. The licensed psychologist oversees the evaluation process, including training, interviewing, scheduling, testing, staffing, and report writing. The psychologist ensures that the professional and ethical standards of the American Psychological Association are followed.

  • Liaison. The liaison promotes and maintains contact between the referring institutions and each RCLD, assists in the referral and feedback process for RCLD evaluations and RCLD review of documentation of disability, assists referring institutions in the development of policies and procedures to serve students with disabilities on their campuses, and provides community outreach and education to support the mission of the RCLD.

  • Other qualified personnel are involved directly in interviewing, testing, and writing reports for students who are evaluated in the RCLDs.

ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« Accommodations for Students With Learning Disorders

In order to ensure consistency throughout the ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ«, all RCLDs use the same general evaluation procedures, test battery and report format. This common evaluation methodology ensures that all ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« institutions employ the same definition and evaluation model.

Evaluations performed by external professionals or organizations will be reviewed using the same methodology as if the evaluation was conducted by an RCLD.

ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« system-level accommodations needed in the following areas must be reviewed and recommended by an RCLD. Students with learning disorders who are requesting system-level accommodations must contact the disability services professional at the enrolling institution to submit documentation for RCLD review. The system-level accommodations are listed below:

  1. Core Curriculum Quantitative Outcomes (Learning Goal A2, 3 semester hours required) – Substitution of Core Math Course requirement. See Section 3.3.6 Core Mathematics Course Substitutions

  2. Admissions - Substitution of the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) Foreign Language requirement. See Section 3.3.1, Admission Considerations

  3. Learning Support - Testing accommodations for the Next-Generation Accuplacer placement test. See Section 3.3.5, Learning Support Considerations.

Each ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« institution is responsible for providing approved accommodations or modifications, including assistive technologies. The RCLDs and the Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation (CIDI) are available to assist institutions with arranging for these accommodations.

Only accommodations recommended by an RCLD can follow a student transferring between ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« institutions.

Outside Evaluations

Referring institutions must have institutional policies and procedures for reviewing documentation of disabilities that is not based on an evaluation conducted by an RCLD. Institutional policies and procedures must be consistent with BoR policy.

Referring institutions are encouraged to consult with the RCLD as needed when making decisions about eligibility and reasonable accommodations based on documentation from sources outside of the RCLD. Referring institutions may also elect to send outside documentation for review to the appropriate RCLD under other circumstances.

Accommodations recommended from an RCLD documentation review can follow the student across ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« institutions.

Referral for Evaluations

Referring institutions are required to submit a referral packet containing the following items to the appropriate RCLD to initiate the evaluation process:

  • Information letter and checklist completed by the Disability Service Provider (DSP)
  • Questionnaire on academic strengths and weaknesses, historical information, and behaviors that can affect learning (completed by the student)
  • Questionnaire on student’s functioning ability (completed by a person who knows the student well and can provide an independent view)
  • Academic transcripts from current and/or previous institutions
  • Recent vision and hearing sensory screenings
  • Samples of written work
  • Copies of previous medical or psychological evaluations related to learning difficulties

The DSP at the referring institution is responsible for coordinating the completion of the referral packet and communicating with the RCLD regarding the student’s referral, evaluation, and accommodations. For more information regarding disability documentation, see Appendices D and E.

Evaluation Considerations

  1. Professional Standards and Confidentiality

    • American Psychological Association ethical standards are upheld.
    • Information gathered before, during, and after an evaluation will be kept strictly confidential.
    • Information will not be released to any person or institution without written permission of the student.
    • The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) provide additional guidelines on right of access and disclosure of protected information.

  2. Liability Issues

    • Neither the referring institutions nor the RCLDs are liable for students while they are traveling to and from the RCLDs for the evaluation.
    • A contact person at the referring institution must be designated for emergency purposes while the student is on the RCLD campus.
    • RCLDs require liability insurance coverage for all RCLD personnel involved in the evaluation process. This liability coverage is necessary to meet the standards of professional practice as outlined in State Licensing Law.

  3. Cost of Evaluations

    • Students are assessed a $500 fee for each evaluation (subject to annual review).
    • Payment schedules may vary across RCLDs.
    • Evaluation scholarships may be available at individual RCLDs and/or referring institutions.
    • Students may contact their local Georgia Department of Labor, Rehabilitation Services to determine if they qualify for services, which may include funding to offset evaluation costs.

  4. Appeals Procedure

    Students wishing to dispute a decision of an RCLD with regard to eligibility for accommodations may appeal by submitting a request for independent review of their documentation by the directors of the other two RCLDs.

    The request must meet the following conditions:

    • Specify the issue(s) of disagreement in writing
    • Be submitted to the DSP at the student’s home institution
    • Be initiated within 30 days of receiving the disputed decision

    A student wishing to appeal the decision of the independent review may appeal to the President of the home institution. The President’s decision is final. The Board of Regents does not hear appeals for eligibility for accommodation.

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3.3.2 CIDI Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation

(Last Modified September 11, 2020)   Report a broken link

The CIDI Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation, an initiative of the ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ«, is committed to removing barriers and providing access to knowledge for individuals with physical, sensory, and learning print-related disabilities.CIDI serves individuals with print-related disabilities in a variety of ways.

CIDI works with all ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« institutions serving postsecondary students as well as high school students transitioning to postsecondary institutions. CIDI offers a variety of services to meet the individual needs of students with print-related disabilities and the institutions serving them, including access to the following:

  • Alternative media production
  • Electronic files (e-files) requested from publishers
  • High quality scanned image files
  • E-text formatting services
  • NEON, CIDI’s online repository of available alternative media that tracks students, orders, and media production
  • Assistive technology software and hardware
  • Other national repositories, services and products (e.g., Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic)
  • Password protected electronic material delivery service
  • Monthly student services reports
  • Training and technical assistance
  • Braille text conversion or contract services. CIDI specializes in math, science, foreign language Braille transcription services.

CIDI services and costs vary depending on membership status. CIDI services help institutions to:

  • Protect themselves against copyright infringement laws

  • Comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act standards and provide students with print-related disabilities equal and timely access to materials

  • Increase the knowledge of institutional information technology departments, faculty, and staff on accessible digital media and accessible information technology through the incorporation of universal design for learning environments

CIDI is not a replacement for disability services, but a resource that offers expertise in alternative media production and assistive technology software and hardware. The CIDI, team works closely with disability service providers and students to ensure that they receive high quality and timely services.

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3.3.3 Admissions Considerations

(Last Modified March 29, 2021)   Report a broken link

Applicants with disabilities are expected to have completed the Required High School Curriculum (RHSC) with the appropriate instructional accommodations. No exemptions or substitution are permitted for these required courses with the exception of the foreign language requirement.

Students who are unable to complete the RHSC foreign language requirement successfully due to a documented disability may petition for a substitution for the foreign language requirement (see Appendix H, Admissions Consideration Flowchart) using the following guidelines:

Foreign Language Requirement

Two units of the same foreign language, two units of American Sign Language, or two units of computer science emphasizing coding and programming are required for admission to the ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« colleges and universities. To receive permission for a substitution, students should do the following:

  • Notify the Office of Admission at the time of application that they are petitioning for a RHSC foreign language substitution
  • Contact the DSP at the institution for assistance in completing the petition.
  • Submit their petition documentation with the admission application

If the petition is approved, the student will be allowed to satisfy the RHSC foreign language requirement by substituting another type of course. The approval of a petition for substitution does not waive the requirement.

Approval of a petition for a course substitution for the RHSC foreign language requirement does not extend to the foreign language requirements of certain degree programs at the University level. Students must submit a separate petition, following their institution’s standard procedures for modifications to program requirements, to request a course substitution for foreign language coursework required for a specific program of study or degree.

Other Considerations

Students with disabilities will not be penalized for taking standardized admissions tests (e.g. ACT, SAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT) with accommodations. Students seeking disability accommodation should contact the testing agencies.

To be considered for admission, students are expected to achieve the institution’s admission requirements, including minimum SAT or ACT scores with the testing accommodations.

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3.3.4 Regents’ Test Administration

(Last Modified April 3, 2019)   Report a broken link

Last reviewed: February 2019

This section has been removed as the Regents’ Test is no longer administered in the ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ«.

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3.3.5 Learning Support Considerations

(Last Modified April 3, 2019)   Report a broken link

Last reviewed: February 2019

Students with documented disabilities who are required to enroll in Learning Support must fulfill all stated requirements, including placement test and course requirements. Students will be provided with appropriate test and/or course accommodations. Documentation of accommodations provided must be maintained at the institution and summarized in the annual report on accommodations. Accommodations for students with learning disorders that can be granted with institutional approval are limited to the following:

  • Extended time on placement tests
  • Authorized use of a calculator for mathematics testing
  • Separate test administration

Accommodations and test administrations other than those listed above must be approved by an RCLD.

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3.3.6 Core Mathematics Course Substitutions

(Last Modified July 24, 2024)   Report a broken link

Last reviewed: February 2019

As a part of the core curriculum, all ÁùºÏ²Ê×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« students are required to complete three hours of coursework that address learning outcomes in quantitative reasoning (i.e., core mathematics requirement; Learning Goal A2: Quantitative Outcomes)

Students who are unable to complete this core mathematics requirement as a result of a documented disability must still complete the core curriculum but may petition for a substitution of the requirement.

To be eligible for a core mathematics substitution, it must be determined that (1) a student has a disability currently impacting his or her mathematics skill that precludes the potential for academic success despite reasonable accommodations and good faith effort and (2) substitution of the core curriculum mathematics course will not result in a fundamental alteration of the nature of the student’s major/program of study.

Eligibility determinations will follow the procedure as outlined below.

  • The student will submit petition materials to the Disability Services Office of the student’s home institution. The materials should minimally include the following:

    1. a formal written request for a mathematics core course substitution,
    2. documentation of a disability that substantially limits mathematics skills relative to most people in the general population as determined by a qualified professional,
    3. secondary and postsecondary transcripts documenting prior mathematics coursework, and
    4. a signed consent form authorizing release of the documentation to the reviewing parties.
  • Documentation should meet guidelines as specified in Appendix D: Disability Documentation and Appendix E: Specific Documentation Guidelines.

  • The disability service provider will submit the request and associated documentation to the RCLD serving the institution, which will determine whether the documentation provided is sufficient to justify a substitution for the core mathematics requirement. The RCLD may seek additional information from the student to aid in their decision-making.

Students wishing to dispute the decision of the RCLD for the home institution with regard to eligibility for substitution of the core mathematics requirement may appeal by submitting a request for a second review of their documentation by the directors of the other two RCLDs. The appeal request must meet the following conditions:

  • Specify the issue(s) of disagreement in writing.

  • Be submitted to the DSP at the student’s home institution.

  • Be initiated within 30 days of receiving the disputed decision.

A student wishing to dispute the decision of the second RCLD review may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) or Provost of the home institution. A student wishing to dispute the decision of the VPAA/Provost may appeal to the President of the home institution.

If a request for a core mathematics substitution is made within a reasonable time after the start of the semester (to be determined by the institution), the decision on the student’s request should be completed within a timely manner such that the student can make informed registration decisions for the next semester.

Should the student be deemed eligible for a substitution, an institution-level committee will determine if the core mathematics requirement represents an essential component of the student’s major/program of study. The committee should, at minimum, include designees from the Office of Disability Services, the Department of Mathematics, the petitioning student’s school or college (e.g., the student’s academic advisor), and the institution’s committee charged with providing oversight of the general education curriculum.

If the student is found to be pursuing a major/program of study for which mathematics is not considered an essential component, the institution-level committee will identify a substitute course best suited to the student’s major/program of study.

Each institution shall develop policies and procedures detailing the institution-level committee composition; committee responsibilities; title of the final decision-making authority; methods of communication between the committee, the final decision-making authority, and the student; time frames for the completion of each step; and an appeals process.

Approval of a petition for a course substitution for the core mathematics requirement extends to Learning Support and RHSC deficiency requirements in mathematics.

The approval of a petition for substitution of the core mathematics requirement does not waive the requirement. If the student changes major/program of study, the substitution as well as any unsatisfied Learning Support requirements in mathematics may be re-evaluated.

Further, approval of a petition for a course substitution for the core mathematics requirement does not extend to the requirements of certain majors/programs of study. Students must submit a separate petition, following their institution’s standard procedures for modifications to program requirements, to request a course substitution for mathematics coursework required for a specific major/program of study.

In addition to Core Area A2, students may be required to take mathematics and science courses with mathematical prerequisites in Area D. Students with approved mathematics substitutions for Area A2 mathematics courses should make every effort to complete Area D by taking non-mathematics courses and science courses that do not have mathematics prerequisites.

Institutions may waive mathematics prerequisites for Area D sciences courses for students with RCLD approval for Area A2 mathematics substitutions if there is a reasonable chance that the students will be successful in the courses without the Area A2 mathematics prerequisite.

Only if all efforts to complete Area D courses without mathematical prerequisites or by waiving mathematics prerequisites have been exhausted may students with RCLD approval for Area A2 mathematics substitutions petition their institutions for substitutions for Area D courses. Before approving Area D substitutions, institutions must verify that it is not possible for students to complete Area D without mathematics prerequisites. Institutions may not approve substitutions for Area D courses that may be taken without mathematics prerequisites. The maximum number of substitutions that may be approved is equal to the number of required Area D courses minus the number of Area D courses that may be taken without mathematics prerequisites. For example, if three Area D courses are required, and one Area D course is available with no mathematic prerequisites, then a maximum of two course substitutions may be approved.

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